I read a very powerful book about the Columbine shooting by journalist
Dave Cullen. Cullen attempted to get more to the heart of the who the two
gunmen were, rather than just paint them as mass murderers. Certainly Cullen
was sensitive to the fact that the town of Columbine still had to live with the
losses they suffered that day, and so did not try and justify or explain their
actions, but instead tried to understand at what point they had made the
decision to go through with their plan to kill their classmates and destroy
their school. To use the Columbine shooters as an example, it seemed that the
two boys made this decision at vastly different times. Eric Harris seemed to
make the decision long before Dylan Klebold did. Harris did most of the
planning, and seemed to be determined to carry through with it from the
beginning. Klebold, on the other hand, seemed much less hell bent on killing
his classmates and suffering the consequences of those horrific acts. But
whatever the timing, this plan went into action long before the events
unfolded. So it begs the question, how many other people have plotted awful
crimes of this nature, but simply didn’t follow through with it? What stopped
them? What didn’t stop those that did follow through with it? What happened to
those that felt that way at one time, but stopped before killing someone? Did
they go on to lead “normal” lives? Are they still plotting? Or are the type of
people who carry out these acts determined from start to finish to follow
through on them?
These are the scary questions that I think we as a society need to
answer. Because the reality is that there are people out there right this
minute that are plotting the next Columbine, or the next Virginia Tech, or the
next Oikos University, or the next Aurora, or the next Sikh temple. Whatever
the motivation, they’re planning these attacks; so the question is how do we
prevent it? For most that are planning, they will hopefully just give it up,
and move on. But for those that are determined to carry out these acts, what
can we as a society do?
I think the problem is that our society has gone off the rails, and
these people are the unfortunate culmination of a society that embraces guns
and violence as a cultural norm, while at the same time repressing
individualism and open expression. People are told that to be stoic is good and
that showing or expressing your emotions is bad. So we have bred multiple
generations of pent-up, angry teenagers who feel that their only outlet to let
society know how they feel is by killing someone. Add this to the fact that
young men are returning from war with terrible PTSD, but are unable to receive
the treatment they require, so instead of turning the gun on a crowded movie
theater are all too often killing themselves.
The question of what to do is not an easy one to answer, but the fact
is that an answer needs to be found. The issue of guns is part of it. The
second amendment (in fact NO CONSTITUTION AMENDMENT) gives carte blanche to
carry any type of weapon, anywhere, at any time. All of the amendments to the
constitution have limitations; so limiting access to handguns, assault rifles,
huge magazines, rocket launchers, landmines, tanks and nuclear weapons are all
perfectly within the scope of the legislature (I guess unless the Supreme Court
decides otherwise). But limiting access to certain types of weapons won’t do
it alone; the problem is much larger than that. We need to allow our society as a
whole to express their feelings in an open, non-judgmental way. It’s not
unusual for young men to have homicidal fantasies, but when they’re being
treated as freaks or murderers for expressing these fantasies with words or
pictures (instead of violence), this turns them off to talking about how they’re
feeling; which is something that might potentially prevent them from carrying
it out. As with all generations before, we have a lot to learn, but the only
way to learn about why people are feeling a certain way, or why people do
certain things, is to listen to what they have to say.
I leave you with a quote from The Dark Knight that I think is apropos:
“Nobody panics when the expected people [get] killed. Nobody panics
when things go according to plan, even if the plans are horrifying. If I tell
the press that tomorrow a gangbanger will get shot, or a truckload of soldiers
will get blown up, nobody panics. But when I say one little old mayor will die,
everyone loses their minds!! Introduce a little anarchy, you upset the
established order, and everything becomes chaos.” ~ The Joker
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